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Our Mission

Life's Medicine was born out of a genuine passion for helping people. Dr. Lopez is a board certified family practice physician and has focused her medical career on common endocrine and medical conditions as well as weight loss.

Life's Medicine FAQ'S

At Life's Medicine we try to help our patients live their best life. Dr. Lopez will do this by taking a practical approach to medicine. Whether managing medical problems, weight issues, thyroid dysfunction or life circumstances we help our patients live a full life.

Life's Medicine is a highly attentive medical practice that focuses on making you better. Whether addressing high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid issues, fatigue, insomnia, weight or athletic performance issues each patient gets the attention they need and deserve.

Doctors have a desire to help their patients. It has been our experience that insurance makes it difficult to build a well-rounded practice. Life's Medicine is a fee for service practice allowing Dr. Lopez to spend significantly more time with her patients, i.e. being highly attentive. Dr. Lopez will limit the number of patients in order to spend the time the patient needs. This allows time to really listen to patients and take into account what they're feeling, what their lives are like and how they take care of themselves. These factors affect their overall health. Dr. Lopez won't shove them into some pre-determined diagnosis and ignore obvious signs or symptoms, as her goal is to have each patient leave their appointment excited, optimistic and hopeful about their future health.

This is not your conventional medical practice. Dr, Lopez is not contracted with health insurances but can bill insurances for ancillary services (labs). Dr. Lopez is dedicated and committed to helping her patients reach their goals. Dr. Lopez invests in her patients so they can invest in themselves and see ample returns! Living a full and optimal life is good medicine, come get it!


BIO - Dr. Isabel Lopez MD


Vitamin B 12 is one of the most vital nutrients for the body. I would even dare to say that it is the mother of all supplements! Egg yolks, meat, liver, and oily fish are the main dietary sources of vitamin B12.  It is such a special nutrient it requires a certain protein called Intrinsic Factor to carry it from the stomach into the small intestine, where it is absorbed.  No or low Intrinsic Factor effects your bodys ability to absorb this vital nutrient.  So there is a two-part problem here.  Part one is that most of us are not eating a diet with enough egg yolks, meat, liver and oily fish (only because we have been erroneously informed that fat equals high cholesterol, and that is a whole other topic!). Part two is that most of us are not producing enough Intrinsic Factor due to chronic stress, alcohol intake, excess caffeine, sugar, antibiotics, gastritis, medications (antacids, proton pump inhibitors, metformin, etc) or any type of weight loss surgery. So not only are we not eating enough Vitamin B12 rich foods, but we are also absorbing less than we used to because of the way we live!  The result is sub-optimal B12 levels that can lead to sluggishness, mental fatigue, high homocysteine levels, sleeping difficulty, numbness and tingling, depressionI could go on and on because Vitamin B12 is normally involved in the metabolism of EVERY CELL of the human body, especially affecting DNA synthesis and regulation, the production of ATP, fatty acid metabolism and amino acid metabolism. Basically every single inner machination of the human cell requires B12!  It is also a vital component to our bodys methylation process.  Methylation is a key biochemical process that is essential for the proper function of almost all of your bodys systems. It occurs billions of times every second; it helps REPAIR your DNA on a daily basis; it CONTROLS homocysteine (an unhealthy compound that can damage blood vessels); it helps RECYCLE molecules needed for detoxification; and it helps MAINTAIN mood and keep inflammation in check.  Without enough B Vitamins, methylation breaks down, i.e we can't REPAIR, CONTROL, RECYCLE or MAINTAIN.......not good!

The normal lab values for B12 range from 200-1100.  That is a very wide range, but most patients will have symptoms once the level gets below 400, specifically fatigue. So now what? If you have your Vitamin B 12 level checked and you are below 400, I suggest supplementing. If you have a problem with absorbing your B12 due to poor intrinsic factor (which I believe we all have low levels of because of our crazy lives), then increasing your intake of B12 rich foods alone may not make a difference, because you will not absorb it.  By supplementing, I mean adding a daily sublingual (under the tongue) B12 or getting B12 injections, both forms directly absorb B12 into your bloodstream and do not require Intrinsic Factor.

To B or not to B, that is the question.  You can continue to ignore the vague signs and write them off to a busy life, or you can listen to your body and get your levels checked!"

Call (817)-328-0331 to learn more about the benefits of B12. 



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  • Dr. Isabel Lopez Talks About B12

    This article appeared in the December issue of Society Life Magazine Pg 68. It was written by our own Dr. Ana Isabel Lopez. 

    To B or not to B?

    "Without a doubt we all should all be taking some type of multivitamin, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Co Q10, Vitamin C and Complex B Vitamins daily.  But if you had to choose, the single most important one would have to be Vitamin B12! 


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